Finally its here!
The last day on Earlies is always welcome. It doesn’t matter how much you love your job, there are only so any times you can get up at 04:15 in the morning before you start longing for a nice weekend.
Today I flew to Brussels and Bremen and it started off with a spectacular sunrise as it almost always does.

This is one of the good things with this job and earlies. Since we climb up over the clouds, we almost always have a fantastic sunrise, no matter what the weather is on the ground.
Today I haven’t been training which means I got to fly with a senior First Officer.
It is really nice to get to fly with both experienced colleagues and inexperienced since the CRM is a bit different between the two.
When I do training its all about finding good training experiences and focusing on the student while, at the same time, focus on on-time performance and everything else. When I fly with senior First officers everything is a bit easier but I also have to be careful not to relax too much.
The whole day flew by (pardon the pun ;). When you fly with people who are well read up on their procedures the cockpit work often resembles a well coordinated dance. Both pilots know their steps and everything just flows like it did today.
This is why its so important to stick to your company SOP’s and not deviate or take shortcuts. If you ever start to do that, the cockpit work will more resemble a dance where one partner doesn’t know the steps and the other have to constantly try to figure out what the first one is doing.
On the last flight back to Girona we saw a huge forrest fire on the French side close to the Pyrenees (See picture). The smoke plume blew in over our approach path and I had to make a PA to the passengers to prepare them in case they would start to smell something burning. Once again, its very important to keep everybody well informed. If the passengers and crew know what is going on its less likely that they will become scared and you actually make you and your colleagues work much easier.
Have a great evening everybody!